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Our Revolution in
Absorbent Underwear!

Somos Martina, We Are All

Committed to the Planet:
Discover how we are transforming the underwear industry.

We have built a sustainability strategy that aligns with the areas of the B Impact Assessment platform and the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. Below, we show you which sustainable development goals we are targeting through our initiatives.

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Transforming the Planet,
One at a Time

When you buy absorbent underwear from Somos Martina, you help reduce the consumption of single-use products and waste generation on the planet.

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32,500 kg
of waste reduced

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sanitary pads and
tampons replaced


66,632 kg
of CO2 reduced

Innovation and technology in our underwear well-being for you, Well-being for the Planet

Discover the Difference!
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Sustainability Report

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Shop with Purpose